Here are a few things I did get a few photos of
You know I am a wood fan.....these pretty glass decanters with the wooden ball stopper. Too cute for words.
Then we should all run and get this basket tray
This thing is huge. It is 2ft x2ft and 4 inches deep. If you have a huge ottoman, this would be great. If you have a nice island, this would be great. If you have a belly button, this would be great. I know that makes no sense except to real shoppers who understand that means we all need this. At the Target on University it is marked down to
Yes ma'am that is $14.98.
Now I specifically say the Target on University because each Target does their own clearance. I find this to be a very annoying practice because you can't drive to another Target to buy another 10 of whatever you found. Other Targets may have it but there is just not a guarantee. If you can't find one near me :)
Then I saw this cute little bowling set
It is by Chip and Joanna and would be too fun to play in the drive way or the yard.
Just think if you are having people over for Easter it would be another fun thing to do after the Easter Egg Hunt........speaking of Easter Egg much fun would this be
It is little yard signs for your Easter Egg Hunt.....there is a big START and FINISH sign but also some little signs to go in between.
I tried to zoom in so you can see them all
The others say things like hurry, keep going, look left.
Oh the other thing they have that I also forgot to take pictures of is indoor/outdoor rugs. Actually the whole patio section was looking good. Take some time to browse through.
Hope you have a great weekend and I hope you get a little Target time in.