I know some of you are over the whole taking the family picture and mailing out the Christmas Cards. But I love this part of the holiday. One, I love mail.....period. Both my mom and I lament a little on holidays when the mail doesn't run. You will not catch us signing up for the no junk mail list....no siree....bring on the catalogs, magazines and whatever else you want to mail us.
So it should not surprise you that I thrive on the whole Christmas Card thing. I think I have displayed them a zillion ways. I have run string around my fireplace and hung them there. I have wrapped my pantry door like a present and clothes pinned them there. I even bought some special card display garland and used it one year. I love all the pretty cards and especially get into the ones with a family picture.
So I have always struggled with what to do with them at the end of the season. My very smart friend Katy ....you remember her, right? She is an interior designer who a part of the Living the Dream Series. Plus she also redecorated our guest bedroom. Well Katy got me on board with the whole keeping the cards year to year like this
All we do is punch a hole in each card and then clip them together with these little clips you can find at any office supply store or simply tie them with a ribbon. Thanks, Katy, for the great tip.
Are you sending cards this year? They sure are fun to receive and reminisce over. I've already received a few and mailed mine out.
Gotta go check the mailbox.......Oh but before I go, just a reminder that Giveaway #2 is still open. Don't forget to enter.
See you back here on Wednesday with the winner for Giveaway #2 and the beginning of Giveaway #3. It is a good one. You will not want to miss it!!!
We LOVE Christmas cards. I remember growing up, looking at the families grow and the kids growing up. It was my favorite part! I keep my cards, grouped by year, and love to look at them each year.