Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Upcoming Holiday - The 4th of July

The 4th of July is just around the corner.

What do you do for the holiday?

Years ago we made this wooden flag so we always pull it out each year

One year we drove to Nashville and shopped about 12 Salvation Army Thrift Stores. It was a  big half price weekend.  That was great fun!

Mostly I just want to spend the day on the couch under throw....big surprise right?

Regardless, there is bound to be some food and snacks.  I found all of this at Target

A little serving caddy
Patriotic plates
Red Cutlery
Red/White Straws
A 4th of July Word search
A 4th of July Bingo game

We love to play games when we are all together.

I have one fixed up for one of you

To enter simply leave a comment answering the question - What is your favorite thing about the 4th of July Holiday? 

I will use a random number generator to select a winner and announce who it is on Friday.

So make sure you leave a comment before 9:00pm C.S.T on Thursday, June 21st.  
Giveaway open to U.S. Residents only.

Talk to you on Friday!


  1. My favorite thing about the 4th of July is the patriotic music! I'm proud to be an American!

  2. Hi Rhega! I like to get together with family and friends and cook out and eat’

  3. A day off from work, fireworks and cooking out!

  4. Spending time with my family and friends!!

  5. I love the patriotic music, grilling, ice cream and gathering with friends and family.

  6. Spend time with the family playing board games.
