Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pressing forward

Do you know what happens when you publicly declare at the beginning of the week how focused you want to be on Christ and how you want to forgive.......


But that's ok because I have just been trying to draw closer and not lose my focus.

Life is interesting.  People are so interesting. What I planned on writing about today.....keeping with the Easter theme is

Image result for peeps images


But not those peeps pictured above.  No, I am more talking about those in your corner.  Those in your circle of love and trust.  Those whose phone call you answer no matter how tired you are and that your favorite tv show is on. You know.....those peeps

Here are a few quotes I found and liked

Image result for those are not your people

Image result for those are not your people
Image result for those are not my people quotes

Find those people who clap for you and you can cheer like crazy for them......those are your people.

Stay focused, girls.  See you back here on Friday.

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