Monday, January 27, 2020

Taking Inventory and a Winner

First things first....let's announce the winner of the
Sacred Holidays by Becky Kiser

Thank you all for entering.  It is always nice to know who's out there checking in with me here on the blog.  There are two winners and they are.....

D. Boaz and L. Townsend

Congratulations, ladies.  I will message you and get your book to you.  

Now if you didn't win, just click the link above if you'd like to pick up your own copy.

Now on to today's post........

Have you ever worked retail?  January in retail means inventory time.  If you ever had to work it, you are probably sighing and rolling your eyes with the memory of it.  My first retail job was at Parisian and  in those first years we literally counted every single item by hand and wrote the numbers on a sheet of paper.  I worked there long enough that they finally got handheld scanners and we could scan the tickets and electronically take inventory.  Before I left they had handed the whole inventory process over to a private company and they came in overnight and scanned the whole store.

But January is also a good time to take inventory in our own lives.  Here's a few categories that may be good to inventory

1) Your obligations.  Take a look at what all you have committed to doing and see if it is not enough, too much or just right.

2) Your time budget.  Maybe track one day and see how much time you spend on social media, looking for things, cleaning, watching tv, reading, emails.....etc.  Then decide if you are using your time in the best way. I am just going to say someone very close to me complained about how she spent so much time looking for things.  So she devised a better way of putting things away, always putting things in the same place and elimination of unneccessary clutter.  The result was a good portion of her day back to her....WIN!!!

3) People.  Come on you know it as well as I ...... some people are just not good for us.  Inventory the people you are investing your time in and see if is the right group.

4) Stuff.  Do you have about 20 more pairs of socks than you actually need in your sock drawer?  Oh wait, I started talking to myself for a second there.  But this is a good time to see if you need to purge your make-up products, clothing, shoes, jewelry, know your vice go ahead and inventory it.

5) Pantry and Freezer.  If you can't even see what you have in there, you are probably over buying.  Take a good inventory and get rid of any questionable or expired items so you can make good use of the remaining food.

6) Pens and Pencils.....don't act like you don't have this drawer.  I am pretty sure if inkpens or pencils ever became currency I would be multi-trillionaire.    But at least I can record all these inventories I am taking.

I am pretty sure I just wrote a whole blog post to myself.  You guys are probably already in good shape.  Well in that case, thanks for being here and supporting me as I inventory my life.

I hope you have a great week and I will see you back here on Wednesday!

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