Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Resigned to Pray

Well all we can do now is Pray.

I guess we will just have to pray about it.

I'm just praying.

Are you guilty of saying any of the above things? I am and I don't want to be.

Prayer is Powerful.  Prayer is a Privilege.  I don't ever want to feel that ALL I can do is pray.  I don't want to GUESS that I should pray.  I don't want want to ever feel that I am JUST praying.


I want to see a challenge, a problem, a sickness, some confusion, a decision to be made, a natural disaster, a hard heart, an unsaved soul, a bitter spirit, a new Christian, a relationship in trouble, a new marriage growing in the Lord, any and every situation and I want to immediately think...... LET'S PRAY. Let's cast it before the Lord (1 Peter 5:7).  Let's give this to the One is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  Let's look to the Lord and His strength and seek His face always (1 Chronicles 16:11). Let's call on Him and pray to Him and know He listens to us (Jeremiah 29:12). Let's be joyful in hope, faithful in affliction and faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12).

I don't want to feel I am resigned to pray because there is nothing else I can do.  Truth is I can't do anything anyway.  But my God can, will and does.

What if we aren't resigned to pray but instead we are empowered by prayer?

What if our problems, our challenges, our struggles quake BECAUSE we pray?

Here's wishing for each of you some powerful time in prayer!

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