Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

I absolutely love checking my email and hearing from you all. A couple of weeks ago I had three questions come in back to back to back.  And lots of times you all have the same questions. I thought today I would share some of the most often asked questions and answer those.

Question 1: What is up with all the classes you take?

I absolutely love to learn.  Here is what I don't love - Test! So, yes, I will take a class in just about anything that doesn't have a pass/fail component.  It is interesting to me all the things you can do and learn if you just try. So I am always looking for classes here and there and thinking - oh that would be fun to know.  Now I am going to be honest, two classes stand out to me that I absolutely did not enjoy, did not invest in, and will never try again - basket weaving and matting and framing pictures.  In these two classes I learned I do not have the natural ability or patience to achieve these things.  But most classes I love.  I won't even tell you all about how much time I spend watching how to videos on YouTube.....there's  a lot of good info in the world.  I just want to keep absorbing some of it.

Question 2: What kind of shopping budget do you have?

Ha! Now this one is funny because my budget is much smaller than you think.  I keep myself on a very tight budget. If it is not on sale.....well I just don't buy too much that is not on sale.  But I do like to shop and so I do budget for it.  The main reason people can't stick to a budget is they fib to themselves and don't make it realistic.  I am going to shop so we account for it in our budget.  For instance, Nordstrom has a big sale in July.  I actually have a line item in my budget for the Nordstrom sale.....I literally put back $40 a paycheck which adds up fairly nicely over the course of a year and then I am ready to shop when the sale comes around....with cash.  As much as I love to shop, I also love to browse.  So I show you lots of things because I think you might be interested in them.....but I certainly can't buy it all.  Shop responsibly......nothing spoils a good sale more than fretting over how to pay the bill that comes later.

Question 3: How do you have time to read so many books?

What can I say - I love to read.  I always have.  But I gotta tell you - you guys kind of surprised me on the book comments.  Some of you hate the books I read and some of you love them.  Mainly, I want you to read a book if it is good and to spare you from reading bad books.  But here is what I do - I always have one Audible (through Amazon) book going that I listen to in the car and pretty much any other time I am by myself.  Sometimes my commute to work can be 30-40 minutes and the same back home.  So I am always listening to my book in the car.  If I am in the kitchen alone cooking, I listen then too.  And if you see me in the grocery store with my ear buds in, yep, I am listening to an audio book. The only thing that makes 30 minutes on the treadmill bearable is listening to a good book.  Secondly, I keep a traditional book going too.  This one is generally for bedtime reading, waiting at doctor appointments, etc.  So I always have at least two going at once.  On average I listen to two and read two each month.

Question 4: Another time question - How do you do so much stuff?

This just may be the most asked question and it is for sure the funniest to me.  I always have a list of stuff that I want to get done and need to get done.  My girls gave me this book that I capture my to do list in.

The funny thing is I feel like I can never get it all done.  So when people say I am doing a lot, I am thinking you have no idea how behind I am.  But you know what???? do as much or more.  The only difference is I write mine down and post about it and talk about it.  Trust me, if you started writing down everything you'd be quite surprised how much you are rocking things out.  We all do a ton of stuff.  I am not doing any more than anyone else.

So there you go a few things you guys ask and the answers.  I love hearing from you so please let me know what else is on your mind.

I will talk to you on Friday.....hopefully I will have time to do a little browsing and some fun things to share with you.  See you then!

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