Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Great Things in '18 Challenge - May Edition

I hope you are enjoying challenging yourself to being intentional this year.  As a reminder or if you are just joining us, we are focusing on completing one particular task each month.  The beauty is, you do it your way.....whatever works for you. Here is our year long schedule

So this month it is all about a teacher.  Now don't worry if your kids are older and you don't have that sweet little homeroom teacher to shower gifts on.  Trust me, all you have to do is think creatively and there is someone teaching something in your life.  Think a relative who has joined the teacher ranks, a Sunday School or Small Group teacher, someone who is homeschooling their kids, or just a teacher who you know is putting in the work whether it is your own child's teacher or not.

Here is our inspiration verse: Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. Proverbs 9:9

I love teachers and I have a list of them that I have to narrow down for this challenge.  Now you think May is tough for a teacher.  The kids are starting to mentally check out.  There's all that last minute grading to get done and many of them are starting summer jobs to add to the old educator income.  If anyone needs a good dose of encouragement in May, I think it is a teacher.

So choose your way - a fun gift card for an outing or a meal, a lovely delivery of flowers or a fun summer gift pack with a new beach towel a good book, a great sunscreen and a new water bottle. 

I hope you are enjoying having one focus for each month.  I am loving not scattering my attention to half doing several things, but doing one thing really well.

Go forward and conquer this month and honor a teacher of your choice.

Talk to you on Friday

1 comment:

  1. This is a very impressive website. Thanks for inviting. -Lyle
