Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What I have learned in 49 years

Is it just me or do you get sentimental and reminiscent around birthdays?  Well tomorrow is a big birthday for me - apparently you are supposed to take turning 50 really seriously.  Of course, I would like to just hear from a few special people and let the day proceed like any other.  But I did spend some time thinking about just who I am and maybe a few things along the way that shaped me.  If you have time, take a look at what I have learned over the last 49 years.......


at age 1 -  that love flows freely in my home in the form of hugs, snuggles and kisses
at age 2 - there are always plenty of cousins to play with
at age 3 - my brother is one of the kindest people in the world
at age 4 - love through acts of service as my Grandma Gracie cooked a "made to order" breakfast for me every morning
at age 5 - how to be the only African-American and only girl in my preschool class
at age 6 - I was really going to love this whole school thing
at age 7 - my parents were not going to let me sleepover at just anyone's house
at age 8 - to be nice to the new girl at school because one day I would be the new girl
at age 9 - geography is not my thing
at age 10 - other people obviously did not get the memo about being nice to the new girl as now it was my turn
at age 11 - I can rock a school project
at age 12 - people are really immature and mean
at age 13 - choosing the right friends is one of the most important choices we make in life
at age 14 - it is hard to be a cheerleader when you hate sports
at age 15 - when the manager of your first job tries to give you a cash bonus right out of the register, don't take it.....he is going to be arrested for stealing in the next couple of weeks
at age 16 - driving is not near as much fun in real life as it was in my imagination
at age 17 - to weigh pros and cons in decision making
at age 18 - college is a lot different than high school
at age 19 - it is quite fun to live in an apartment with 3 other girls
at age 20 - not everyone was taught the values I was taught growing up
Image result for raised in a barn meme
at age 21 - Playing spoons and pictionary with my friends was all I needed for fun
at age 22 - losing grandparents is extremely hard
at age 23 - a bazillion acronyms as I started work at NASA
at age 24 - indeed there are still good men and I get to marry one
at age 25 - software coding is not my thing
at age 26 - you really do need good girlfriends
at age 27 - to trust God's timing
at age 28 - people's character is demonstrated in what they do, not what they say
at age 29 - the joy of being a mom
at age 30 - apparently I really don't need 8 hours of sleep each night
at age 31 - an office mate who holds the trash can for you while you throw up is the best office mate you could ever have
at age 32 - the immeasurable blessing of another daughter
at age 33 - about the best Bible Study ever: Bible Study Fellowship
at age 34 - if you are open minded God will give you good friends from every background and age group and you will be better for it
at age 35 - I can't eat everything I want anymore, calories do actually count
at age 36 - when your foot swells every single day, it's a good chance it is broken
at age 37 - don't get too busy for the things and people who really matter
at age 38 - to be present, fully present when a dear friend says goodbye to this world
at age 39 - grief is an odd thing and everyone does it differently and in their own timing
at age 40 - kids in the mall now say ma'am to me and its ok, I've earned it
Gatsby Gatsby - You ma'am  Are awesome
at age 41 - if you wake up in labor and you are not pregnant, it is a kidney stone and they won't give you an epidural
at age 42 - it feels super good to not have debt
at age 43 - nothing prepares you for losing a parent
at age 44 - I should have gotten a smart phone sooner
at age 45 - Faith overcoming fear as I stand with a friend
at age 46 - people are still immature and mean little girls grow up to be mean old women
at age 47- the true meaning of pray without ceasing as I send my first child off to college
at age 48 - don't let fear prevent you from trying new things
at age 49 - every day is precious, don't get hung up on the pettiness, simply love

  I am thankful for all these experiences. All of these things both good and bad have made me exactly who I am today.  I can't wait to see what new things I learn in this 50th year.

“Wouldn't take nothing for my journey now.” 


  1. Love this so much! I might just have to do the same thing. (Of course, my list would be LONGER since I'm way OLDER than you!) Hope you have a massively wonderful birthday and believe me you don't look a day over 25!!!

  2. and you're the best person to celebrate!! so thankful for everything you have taught me, you're the best!!

  3. This challenges me to make my own list!! Can you tell I am blog reading today?!
