This year's dates are March 1st - April 13th.
It is a great time to do some self-reflection. Many times we use it as a time to give up something that perhaps we overindulge in or to to add something that perhaps we neglect. Of course, a great addition might be some extra time in study- you could add a devotion, a time of prayer, or have a very specific area of prayer.
I highly recommend my friend Suzanne Matthew's new book, if you are looking to add some special devotion reading. You can buy the book here.
I am sad to say that I went back to look at what all I had focused on in the past years and apparently I work on the same things every year. But over the years I have focused on the following:
- added 30 minutes of walking 3 days per week
- allowed myself only 2 hours of television per day
- not done any retail therapy
- no complaining
- keeping the clutter out of my car
- picking up around the whole house before bedtime
- speaking kindly all day
Here's some other ideas for us all to consider:
- donate/throw away 40 things in 40 days
- no eating after dinner
-no soda, sweets, coffee or whatever your vice is (if you can't completely give up, you could reduce)
- Pay 3 compliments each day
- go meatless for a couple of meals per week
- pray for enemies
- limit social media
- establish a phone free time
- don't compare yourself to others
- no snooze buttons
- incorporate a nap on Saturday or Sunday
- don't salt your dinner plate
- take the stairs
-turn off car radio and pray instead
-collect all your change and donate at the end of forty days
So this year my lent goals will be:
1) Suzanne's book
2) only one snooze button hit each morning
3) walk at least 30 minutes 3 times a week
There. I put it out there. Those are my goals for 2017 lent.
Join in - what are you going to spend the next 40 days doing or not doing?
Another great thing to do is to light candles for Lent.
Sacred Holidays posted this video and I think it is a great explanation and encouragement about lighting candles this season.
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