Friday, March 30, 2018

Easter......and the Power of Love

There are so many wondrous aspects of Easter that it can be truly hard to take in and get our hearts and heads around it all.

Here is one thing that I always find myself in awe of - He had the POWER to stop it but the LOVE to let it happen.

This concept is just so contrary to my thought process.  I am just at a loss when I think about it.  I don't want anything bad to happen - no hurt, no loss, no nothing.  I mean I get angry at injustice.  I get overwhelmed when dealing with physical pain and suffering.  Oh and don't even mention name calling and bullying.....those are too much for my heart to even breaks me.

Yet all this happened to Someone Who had the POWER to stop it -  with His words, a raise of His hand - He could have stopped it


He had so much LOVE for us that He walked through an unthinkable night, hung on a cross and died for us.

Breathtaking isn't it?

Where are we exercising our POWER rather than our LOVE?
- we may have the POWER to talk down to a waitress
- we may have the POWER to exercise control over someone and their situation
- we may have the POWER to decide who is included and who is excluded
- we may have the POWER to make someone's day or cause havoc
- we may have the POWER to point to someone else's faults
- we may have the POWER to ruin reputations and tear down

But what if we exercised our LOVE instead and we
- gave grace to that waitress
- gave sincere consideration to the needs of others
- were inclusive of others
- were peacemakers
- owned our faults in situations
- encouraged and built others up

Here is why all of this is doable, my friends

Christ Lives! It is His Resurrection that we will celebrate this weekend.

Tap into the POWERful LOVE of Christ and we too can exercise our LOVE even when we have the power to do otherwise.

Wishing you a blessed Easter Holiday where you recognize the POWER of LOVE.

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,  equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21

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