It is time for us to prepare for Lent and this Resurrection Season. Lent will begin on this Wednesday so let's take these next couple of days to get ourselves ready. I, of course, always enjoy using candles as part of the season. If you need a refresher on how you can use candles, check out Becky Kiser's video
It is a video from last year so pay no attention to the dates she mentions. Just know that we will begin on Wednesday.
The Dollar Tree has some great tall slender candles that I have used for several years. But you can, of course, use any candles of your choice.
This year I grabbed these from Home Goods and placed them on the cake pedestals I got from Hobby Lobby.
Remember you will need seven candles.
Then next we need to prepare what we might focus on in our lives. Several people use Lent as a time of fasting. Giving up all kinds of things like breads, or sweets or even tv or social media. In past years I have given up some things that really pulled on some tough things for me. One year I gave up shopping and literally did not buy anything but groceries and necessities. Other years I have given up my snooze button. That was a tough one. I may be addicted to just "nine more minutes" and hit the snooze multiple times each morning.
Of course, some people use the time to focus on developing a positive habit so they add something positive like exercise, or drinking more water or paying a compliment each day.
Whatever it is you decide to add or subtract from your life remember it is all shored up through prayer and really can be a meaningful time to surrender our habits and worship through sacrifice.
Let's take these next two days to prepare and be ready to begin on Wednesday.
I hope you have a great week!
Rhega, I had your blog saved under favorites but had not looked in awhile. On this cold, rainy Monday I curled up and caught up. Thank you for the entertainment and inspiration. Love you! Debbie