Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Letter Challenge

Anyone remember writing real letters????

You know pages that actually started off with Dear So and So......and went on to ask "How are you doing?".....and then proceeded to detail everything that happened in your life, like your vacation plans, who you've recently talked to or even what is going on with people in the family.

I am certain that as a child I must have driven my mother crazy.  I was always wanting to write and mail letters.  My friend Robyn lived in New York before she moved to Alabama and I used to write her letters all of the time.  And then I had cousins all around the country and I would write to them. I never had a random Pen Pal......y'all already know I was too scared to be exchanging personal letters with someone I didn't know.  Yep, even at nine I had intense stranger danger.

But I have to tell you I still enjoy writing and receiving a good letter in the mail.

So here is the challenge - Write an actual letter to someone

Trust may actually freak them out, but I also think they may actually LOVE receiving it.  And the post office will for sure be pumped if the letter volume amped up a little.

Need help thinking of who you could write to

- If you have an older relative, they would definitely enjoy getting a real letter especially if they feel disconnected with all the social media everyone else is doing

- A college student.....always a good choice but they may want a letter with a gift card :)

- Someone from your church who is dealing with an illness that prevents their attendance

- Someone you used to work with or go to school with

- a former neighbor

One actual letter to anyone of your choosing......Are you up for the challenge?

We can do this!

Meet you back here on Friday.....I tried a new company and I will tell you all about my first order from them.

See you then!

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