Friday, May 1, 2020

Welcome May!

Poor April.  I am afraid people have not enjoyed April so much. She's had a tough go of it.  So hopefully May will have a better run.

Are you looking forward to anything in May?

Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner......who's not looking forward to a little chips and salsa

Mother's Day.....celebrate yourself or some awesome mom you know. 

End of Semesters....I know a lot of kids are bummed about the delayed/postponed graduation ceremonies, but I bet they will still be happy to have exams done and grades complete

Memorial Day......which many consider the start of summer

The first week of this whole stay at home thing was looonnnggg and I thought how long can we do this?  Well as long as it takes apparently.  We've been very strict about the whole thing.  I've only been to the grocery store about every two weeks or so.  We have gotten in the car and just taken a little drive.....just for a change of scenery.

So here's what I have found I miss from the old normal:

Professional Hair Appointments - oh me, oh my, I am missing that

Browsing - I enjoy a good stroll through a store.  I don't have to even have anything in particular to look for....I've just always enjoyed looking around

Leisurely Groceries - I looked forward to getting my fountain drink, listening to my audio book, and taking my time in the grocery store.  I have not had a fountain drink in six weeks.  It is impossible to drink one through a mask

People - friends, co-workers, church members.....I am even missing a few strangers at this point

Clothes - I am pretty sure a shirt with actual buttons reached out and tapped me on the shoulder when I passed through the closet the other day

Church - I have to say the churches are doing a really good job with the virtual services, but I still miss the going and being in the midst of everyone

Here's what I am not missing

Busyness - my goodness we packed a lot into a week, into every day.  I would never have believed we could actually stop it all and everything would still be ok.  Discovering that I should never have been so busy.

Traffic - I gotta say not sitting in long lines of traffic has been nice, very nice.

Umbrellas - I have not needed one in weeks.  Now when it rains I just enjoy the soothing rhythm of the showers

Hang in there, friends.  Shake off the bad and grab tightly to the good.

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