It was a good book month. I read a quite a bit of variety so hopefully you will find one or two that pique your interest.
Here is what I read in September:
Greyhound by Steffan Piper. This book is based on a true story and that fact will rock your socks when you read this one. I love a story based on real life because life truly is stranger than fiction and let's face it - you just can't make some of this stuff up. The basic premise of the book is a young kid is put on a bus to travel across country alone. Well, of course, that lends itself to a great story on its own but it gets better because of all the people he meets along the way......some I cheered for and some I wanted to literally throw under the bus. I really enjoyed reading this one. I think you will too.
This next one was a super short little story
Shine by Jodi Picoult. This is a cute little story of a young African-American girl's navigation between her neighborhood where she is in the majority to an elite school where she is the minority. She is super smart but that doesn't play well in her neighborhood and isn't acknowledged in her school. I am a Picoult fan and this quick little read did not disappoint.
Now this next one made me break my book reading rule
And One Last Thing by Molly Harper. Ok, this story starts off with the wife accidentally being delivered flowers that were intended for her husband's mistress. And you can imagine how this goes. Now there is some language, but honestly I could excuse it because I know this girl. You know this girl. And if she discovered on a random day that her husband was having an affair with his receptionist......well these are exactly the words you would expect to come from her mouth. So I probably read almost half of this one but then it just got can I put it.....DESCRIPTIVE. So I broke my rule and I stopped reading. This is only the 2nd or 3rd book I have ever done this with but while I understood her pain, I needed her to pull it together and to not be a potty mouth. The general story line is good and if your psyche is more stable than mine you may read it all the way through no problem.
Last but not least. I loved this next one
Private by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
Ok, some of you say all my books are too mushy and this one is for you (#Stayce). If you like Law and Order, you will probably like this one. But let me warn you, Law and Order does the whole dong, dong and the crime is over and they just solve it. But in this book you are there for some of the crimes and some of them are tough. But James Patterson writes the dickens out of this one. It is all centered around a detective agency named Private and they solve some doozies. It is suspenseful not scary. I enjoyed it and will read the others in this series.
Got any suggestions? Let me know.
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