Friday, January 5, 2018

Great Things in '18

Ok, so don't be totally misled by the title of this post.  This may not be "great" things but I needed great to rhyme with eight. So just go with me here.  These may be fun things, good things, or even encouraging things.....but who knows in the end they may be great.  Last May we did the Everyday in May challenge where we tried to do something very intentional each day.  Some of you found that overwhelming.  So this year I thought we would try doing one very intentional thing each month......aahhhh does that feel more doable, less stressful to you?  So here is the plan.  As I talked about on Wednesday my word for the year is intentional, so I thought each month I would do something special for someone.  Below is our schedule for the year should you choose to join in with me....and I hope you will.

Each month we will do something for a person who fits in the month's designated category.  Of course, the idea is to just do something for someone so let's say you don't have anyone in particular that fits the category.....well just pick someone of your choice.  We don't want to be legalistic about this.  I hope it will be motivating, inspiring and fulfilling to you to share something special with someone of your choice.

So January's category is mentor. So this doesn't have to be an official mentor but just someone you admire, who encourages or inspires you.  Someone who gives you trusted advice or maybe that someone who you can't wait to share good news with when you receive it.

Here's our inspiration verse

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26

Who is that in your life?  Well do something special for her.  You can simply send her a card and write her a nice note inside.  Send flowers. Buy her lunch.  Or just give her a phone call and express your appreciation of her in  your life.  You decide how best to honor her.  And you have all month to do it.....there is your pressure valve, girls, all month.... so you decide the timing and the manner but be intentional about getting it done.

I already know who I am going to honor this month and the fun thing is I think she will be totally surprised.  She has made a big impact on my life and been a steady source of encouragement.

Each month I will remind you of the category and help you along in being intentional and getting it done.  I think it will be fun!

Have a great weekend. Talk to you on Monday!

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