Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Travel Ready

So do you have any trips planned for this summer?  I have read about travel cubes all over social media for the last year.  I wasn't sure what I thought, but I did give them a try when we went to the beach a couple of weeks ago.

I purchased this set
Packing Cubes

They come in seven different color options: blue (pictured), black, lime green, pink, lavender, silver and teal. This was perfect for us so I could get everyone their own color.  That way you can combine suitcases but easily be able to sort to the right person upon arrival.

The good thing we found about these is that we all organize and think differently.  I sorted by clothing type.  So all my shirts in one, shorts, skirts and pants in one, and pj's in another, etc.  My mom was in Europe while we were at the beach.  She was going to different countries every three days so she had to change hotels.  She was able to pack total outfits so she could easily find her London stuff, her Paris stuff, her Spain stuff, etc.

These totally keep you from having to topsy turvy your whole bag every time you need to grab something

And I gotta say I think I was able to pack more due to the organization....which is always a good thing.

If you have a vacation planned, you might consider making this small investment in your packing sanity. I am pretty sure I can never go back to packing any other way.

See you back here on Friday

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