Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July - Worship Focus

Welcome to July and our opportunity to Focus on a fresh perspective of Worship.

Here is our inspiration verse for the month of July

Printable click here

I was trying recently to help someone who was mentally in a bad place understand how much God loves them.  It can be difficult.  Not because He has not shown us over and over again.  Not because His mercies, grace, kindness, provision, generosity, protection, forgiveness and so much more are not enough.  No, it really came down to feeling unworthy. And this person just kept saying but I don't deserve any of those things....I don't deserve this love.  I had to agree with them, none of us deserves that kind of love.  But the mere fact that we know, we realize, we accept that we don't deserve it is the perfect opportunity, time and place to open our hearts and accept it.

I hope no matter where you are and what you are going through that you feel loved by God today.

I hope that you will speak words to glorify Him today.

I hope that this month will be filled with opportunity after opportunity to lift your hands in praise.

Here's to July......a month of hand raising, praise speaking, love accepting!!!

If you have 4 minutes and 56 seconds enjoy Love on the Line by Hillsong Music

Also, I have a Worship bracelet for one of you subscribers......this month the winner is

I will message you and get your bracelet to you.

Have a wonderful month of worship!

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