Ok, ladies, we are one week away from the start of May. Crazy how fast this year is going. Last year at this time several of you participated over email with me in a little funzie we called Every Day in May! This was all over blog land and Facebook last year and some of you joined in with me sharing our intentions thru email.
So this year, we will do it here on the blog. It is simple. We each decide we will be intentional about doing something to better ourselves or others each day in the month of May. Look, if we are not careful time just gets away from us and we look up and another month has gone by. Well we've got our eyes on you, May. We plan on looking back May 31st and feeling accomplished about all the good we were intentional about doing.
You choose the order. You choose things that won't stress you. You decide what things you will feel good about having accomplished when we get to May 31st. I will be sharing here periodically what I manage to do and would love to here from you too.
Here are a lot more than 31 ideas. Remember you only do one a day so just cross off all the ones that don't appeal to you and select from the rest.....or just come up with your own. Maybe you have some things that you keep "meaning to do" those would be great ones to check off this month while we are all focused on being intentional.
Now for a few ideas to get you started......
1. Plan lunch with some girlfriends you need to catch up with
2. Clean a special piece of jewelry
3. Write and send a handwritten note to someone special
4. Have a spend free day (no vending machine, no online, no last minute Kroger run)
5. Take a nap
6. Clean your work/home office
7. Donate 3 articles of clothing
8. Clean out a drawer than needs attention
9. Clean your make-up brushes
10. Pay 2 sincere compliments to someone
11. Make a dessert for a neighbor
12. Clean out your car
13. Try a new lipstick
14. Send a care package or encouragement to a college student
15. Donate pet food or towels to an animal shelter
16. Donate books to a school teacher for her classroom
17. Take a bubble bath
18. Pray for foreign missionaries
19. Park as far away as possible (get extra steps but be careful)
20. No social media after dinner
21. Enjoy 30 minutes of meditation
22. Plan a girl's night out
23. Try a new recipe
24. Put fresh flowers in your home
25. Eat vegetarian for a day
26. Stretch 30 minutes
27. Read instead of watching TV one evening
28. Schedule some "you time" do whatever you enjoy (Browse a store, see a movie, craft something)
29. Drink more water
30. Have a no sugar day
31. Eat dinner at the table (go wild and use a cloth napkin)
32. Do something to encourage a kid in your neighborhood or Church
33. Send a gift card to a young mom who could use the night off from cooking
34. Shop a yard sale of thrift store
35. Plant a flowering plant by your front door
36. Close your seldom used credit cards
37. Video document a room in your house (for insurance purposes)
38. Change out framed photos for more recent ones
39. Enjoy a family game night
40. Pass along a good book to someone
41. Say please and thank you
42. Schedule any medical appointments you have been putting off (dentist, mammogram, dermatologist, eye)
43. Organize your purse of wallet (goodbye 2015 Target receipts)
44. Memorize a new scripture
45. Get your pet a special treat
46. Sit somewhere new in church (you might meet some new people)
47. Schedule a date night
48. At the end of the day write down 3 things you did well
49. Pray for our country
50. Download photos from your phone to a storage site
51. Replace your running/walking shoes
52. Clean out an overstuffed dresser drawer
53. Get a new candle
54. Try something you have pinned on Pinterest
55. Get rid of old spices in your cabinet
56. Have a manicure or pedicure
57. Get a new plant for your office
58. File those papers you have stacked up to file
59. Make a note of 3 things you are grateful for
60. Donate a movie gift card to a family who may not be able to afford the outing otherwise
61. Discard make-up and skin care products that are expired or never used
62. Read your favorite Psalm
Here is the calendar I kept last year with all the things I focused on. I have erased it cleaned and look forward to once again being very intentional about Every Day in May!!!
We won't start until next Monday.....so you have a whole week to think about what 31 things you want to check off your intentional list!!!
Wednesday is the final Favorite product of the month. See you then!