I am assuming you want to read about positive things not negative. Don't you worry though, we will occasionally cover the negatives- because every now and then girls need to band together and call the stinky.....stinky.
Speaking of stinky, back to kitchen towels. I used to talk my dear friend Kim into going to Wal Mart every spring and stocking up on new kitchen towels whether she wanted them or not. But recently I was walking through the house and heard the news run a teaser -
coming up next, we will tell you about a high germ area you may be overlooking in your home.
Well they had me. I practically popped popcorn and plopped down for the big story. You guessed it -the high germ culprit was kitchen towels and, of course, we all know they can get pretty nasty. But the story suggested we should launder our kitchen towels daily. If you are doing a load of kitchen towels every day, I have one question for you.......Really???
Well I am going on record that is NOT happening at my house. However, if it has been a particularly high activity day with lots of cooking, hand drying and wiping things down, I gather all the towels and move them to this bin in my laundry room
It is just a little bin I found at Homegoods and put a label on it.
So kitchen towels, we'll get you all freshened up on Saturday. How's that sound????
In the meantime, here are some cute storage ideas for those dirty towels.
Target has these bins in several colors and they are polypropylene so the would stand up well to wet towels. They come in several colors....grey, white, coral so you are sure to find a color to match your laundry room. They are also in several sizes.
Or these wire baskets would work great too.
In further riveting laundry news, I have made the big switch from liquid to pods. I don't know what was happening with that whole liquid container but it was just getting messy, so the pods have won me over. They are so much more pleasant to look at.....they are actually quite pretty. So I picked up this little jar to store them in.
Now if you have small children and decide to go this route make sure you choose something with a locking lid......apparently these don't just look pretty to kids they look delicious.
What's in the Longaberger basket? Well dryer sheets, of course. I read years ago that you only need half of a dryer sheet to do the trick. Guess what? They were right. When I bring my box of Bounce home, I cut the whole box of sheets in half. It doesn't take long because you can cut a stack of 10 or so at one time. And that half sheet works great.
Look if we are going to be doing laundry we can at least make the area easy on the eyes. Grab yourself some cute little storage solutions and make the one chore that never ends at least pretty.
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